In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Lewiston Public Library Facts

Preserving our history,
Connecting our community,
and Enriching the life of the mind.

In addition to its standard depository of books, periodicals, audiobooks, and DVD/VHS, the Lewiston Public Library is also home to the Lewiston Historical Collection. The Collection contains many local histories in addition to town records, and local papers are available on microfilm going back to 1861 issues. The Franklin Company papers are also stored in the Collection, and numerous genealogical resources are available as well.

The Lewiston Public Library is home to the Mardsen Hartley Cultural Center, the focus of which is "to transform the perception of library for the citizens of our city from that of a passive repository of knowledge to that of a vibrant community center." The focal point of the center is Callahan Hall, on the third floor of the building. The open space is large and hosts many events open to the community. Past uses of the hall have included lectures, films, performances and more.

Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday, Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday: closed
